Monday, May 9, 2011

Corkscrew Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo

Our first attempt at cooking didn't go too badly... We made Corkscrew Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo from scratch and came up with this final product. It was a little bland but overall was a good start to our internship, and a good start to figuring out what we need to work on the most. We had the most trouble making the sauce, but in the end it came out fine.

The restaurant version of this dish averages about 1200 calories, while this dish averages about 330.

If this dish looks appealing to you (sorry for the low-quality picture), post a response or email us for the recipe!

Nutritional Facts:
Calories 330, Carbohydrate 36g, Total Fat 7g, Protein 27g, Fiber 4g, Cholesterol 50mg, Sodium 400mg

Source: Eat What You Love by Marlene Koch 

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